Football Concussions: Risks, Signs and Treatment

Although children have a chance of becoming injured no matter what sport they play, it is high contact sports, like football, that carry the biggest risks. One of the more dangerous injuries parents need to be aware of and watch out for are football concussions. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a …

Long Term Risks Associated with Football Concussions

  If your teen has a love of football, he may be interested in continuing his career by first heading to play college ball and then trying out for the NFL. Since football is a high contact sports, players are more susceptible to injuries, like football concussions. These can have serious long term affects. It …

Best Apps for Tracking Physical Activity

When kids join sports teams it is important for them to remain physically fit throughout the season. If exercise is neglected, injuries are more likely to occur. Since teens and younger children have a tendency to spend a little too much time playing video games or using their cell phones, it makes sense to hold …

If you have a teen athlete, chances are he or she comes home with some nasty stains on his or her uniform the first day of practice. It only takes one slide into home plate or one tackle on the 20-yard line to keep the team outfit from looking like new. Fortunately, parents can take …