Reach Busy Parents
Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor of Sports Mom Media! You can read more about us on the About page. We focus on tips and products that make life easy for the busy sport mom! We are part of the A07 Online Media parenting community, a group of niche sites helping parents with the tough world of raising kids.
Contact us for information about advertising, product reviews, giveaways and more.
Product Reviews & Giveaways
- We are available to review a product. If you have a product you would like us to review, we require that you provide us with the item to be reviewed and there is a compensation fee for writing and posting the review (contact for more info). In exchange for a full size item(s) to review we will create a full post featuring your company and your product that will remain at the top of my blog for two full days. We will provide feedback on the item including photographs and several links back to your company. Because it is of the utmost importance that we maintain a high standard of integrity and transparency with my readers, we will give our honest opinions of the item being reviewed. If for some reason our opinion is unfavorable we will contact you directly and give you the option to not have your item reviewed. *In addition to a full post featuring your company and product we will also post a link to your company on our Facebook page and Twitter wall.
- We love to host giveaways! If you would like SMSG to host a giveaway featuring your company you will need to provide an item or store credit to giveaway in value of $50 or greater and there is a compensation fee for writing and running a giveaway (contact for rates). In exchange for sponsoring a giveaway we will feature your company in a full post. We will make the first mandatory entry to visit your companies webpage. We will provide one other optional entry of your choice. i.e. visit Facebook page, follow on twitter, etc. We reserve the right to include other optional entries benefiting SMSG. We will promote your giveaway several times throughout the week that the giveaway is open. *In addition to a full post featuring your company and the giveaway, we will also post a link to your company and the giveaway on our Facebook page and Twitter wall several times during the week of the giveaway.
- Combination of any of the above. If you are interested in combining any of the above options we can work out an individual plan for you.
We are a family friendly site. We reserve the right to refuse any sponsorship that is not a “good fit” for my community or is not a positive reflection of the values here at SMSG.
If you are interested in sponsoring Sports Mom Survival Guide or would like to inquire about sponsorship in a capacity not listed above please feel free to contact us. Don’t forget we also own other parenting sites too so check them out also.
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