Group of young athletes in blue jerseys gathered in field

In small-town USA, sports are a huge part of how communities come together. In fact, sports are embedded into the vast majority of American cultures. Whether you’re from the north or south, midwest or east coast, teamwork and friendly competition seem to be deep-seeded topics that impact many childhoods and daydreams. And with so many …

Sports Team-Mom Duty Checklist

Taking on the role of “Team Mom” can be a time-consuming job if you are not organized right from the start! Check out our Team Mom Duty Checklist (and accompanying printables below). You may need to make some slight modifications for your particular sport and league/program offering, but it should provide some helpful tips no …

8 Ways to Improve Your Child's Athletic Explosiveness

We want our children to be well-rounded in all areas; in the classroom, in social settings and on the ball field too. But when it comes to their athletic ability, how do we make sure that they’re reaching their highest potential? Are there certain diets, activities, or exercises we should push to help them succeed? …

Is Your Child Riding the Bench Here's How to Parent Through It

When children are very young, they may enjoy a Shangri-La sports experience – no one is cut from the team, equal playing time is enforced, and everyone receives a participation medal. Are those idyllic days now behind you? It’s OK that they are. Sometimes riding the bench can be a good thing. Here’s how to …

Football Concussions: Risks, Signs and Treatment

Although children have a chance of becoming injured no matter what sport they play, it is high contact sports, like football, that carry the biggest risks. One of the more dangerous injuries parents need to be aware of and watch out for are football concussions. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a …

Long Term Risks Associated with Football Concussions

  If your teen has a love of football, he may be interested in continuing his career by first heading to play college ball and then trying out for the NFL. Since football is a high contact sports, players are more susceptible to injuries, like football concussions. These can have serious long term affects. It …

summer sport camps

Summer is quickly approaching which means it is almost time to send your kids off to summer camp. Have you signed your kids up for any fun activities this year?  If your kiddos love playing sports then have you considered sending them to a camp designed specifically to fine tune their skills? If you haven’t already …

If you are a Football Parent or Football Coach find out what What Every Football Parent and Coach Must Know from Heads Up Football!

Does your child play football…which means you are a football parent? Do you coach football or know someone who does? If any of these descriptions are related to you, then you can’t miss out on the must-have information about Heads Up Football.  Check out this video for a little summary: Heads Up Football is and health …

Tired of boring, studio photo shots for senior pictures? Take a peek at these best senior picture ideas for athletes.

Show of hands. How many can remember those typical, must have senior photos? Reminisce with me for a minute. We could go way back and talk about the wicker chair option. Or maybe the fake, outdoor country scene, where one would squat down on the hay bale for a more “natural” look. Or better yet, …

Football season is HERE!!!  It’s a great time of year and even if you aren’t a football fan, I’m sure you can appreciate the season for other reasons.  Some of the things I love the most are crisp, cool weather, warm comfort food (like chili) on Sunday afternoons, and hanging out with friends to catch …

If you’ve ever been at a game or practice and forgot something important, then you are probably the worst the parent ever….JUST KIDDING!!  (You might feel like it at that moment.)  I have forgotten my daughter’s recital outfit on the day of dress rehearsal once…not my finest moment!!  We all leave the house in a hurry and 9 …

Strength Training for Kids

Should You Let Your Child Strength Train Your kids are playing sports. They’re practicing. They’re training. You bring them to and from practice and watch their games, but have you ever given much thought to what they are actually doing at those practices? After watching a number of practices myself and talking with other parents …

How To Play Fantasy Football – A Beginner’s Guide for Girls When I first met my husband (way back in college) he was playing Fantasy Sports.  Flash forward to today and his love for Fantasy (football and baseball) is still going strong. Over the years his group of friends have taken the “sport” to a …

The perfect family day at the NFL Training Camps

I can hardly believe that we are rolling into FOOTBALL SEASON!! The guys in my house get pretty excited, dinner talk turns to football, Sundays are spent watching football and evenings hanging with neighborhood kids have turned from wiffle ball games to touch football games! We are lucky enough to live just outside Indianapolis, so …

Coaches, do you want a smooth, successful and productive start to your upcoming youth sports season? The key lies in your organization BEFORE the season begins. For more than 15 years I have been coaching basketball, baseball, soccer, track, and volleyball for children from preschool to junior high and I have found these simple tips …

Parent Sportsmanship TIps

I don’t think I can count the number of hours I have sat on the sidelines watching my boys play sports. In all that time, I can honestly say I have seen some of the craziest behavior. Oh, and I don’t mean from the players, I mean from the parents. I am sure many of …

free online concussion training

Earlier this week we shared with you the importance of having your kids take a baseline test. The test is used as a reference in case a situation arises in which your child could have possibly endured a concussion. Of course, everyone is aware of what concussions are and we *think* we would be able …

Are you in need of snapping a picture of your kid’s sports team or even a great individual shot or trading cards? Let us introduce you to this super handy sports photo app called PhotoMoby! We had baseball “Opening Day” this past weekend and I was able to use the PhotoMoby App to grab some …

I am sure lots of your kids are in sports that require cleats: football, baseball, soccer, golf, lacrosse, track…the list goes on! Over the years, I have found that cleats can be quite a pain! Here are the two biggest issues: Dirt, mud, grass and more get stuck in the cleats and the kids bring …