12 month routine for summer sports kids

The age of your kids would determine the way you would approach a full year training routine. I would say for ages 12 and younger the off-season should be used to also try other sports and activities beyond their primary sport. During those times, the importance of developing physical literacy should be of the foremost …

Vessi Everyday Slip-On Shoe

Seven months ago I purchased my first pair of Vessi Shoes after seeing numerous ads for them scroll across my Facebook feed. They seem like a novel concept: an affordable shoe that also happened to be completely waterproof. The claim, as it were, is that the hydrophobic materials used allow your feet to sweat without …

Rebel Ramen healthy instant noodles

Instant noodles were a mainstay of my childhood. Whenever I was in charge of finding my own food, like every other nine through fifteen year old, I wanted something tasty and wanted it right now. Back then, being blissfully unaware of the importance of things like protein/carbs, vitamins/minerals, and nutrition in general, lead me to …