Soccer Goalkeeper Passing Training Drill

Goalkeeper Passing

We are dedicated to the training of the well trained youth soccer goalkeeper. Learn goalkeeper techniques, goalkeeper tactics and much much more. Enjoy.

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Basic Information

Age Group: (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult)
Number of Players: 7+
Emphasis: Possession, Passing, Goalkeeping

Difficulty: Medium
Time: 10-15 min.

Field Preparation:

  • 2 teams
  • grid (30yds x 20yds)
  • cones to mark off area
  • pinnies


  • teams score by making a pass to the goalie who picks the ball up
  • goalie gives it back to the team that scored last


  • vary number of goalies
  • teams score only by making a high pass that is caught out of the air by the goalie
  • adjust spacing depending on the age and ability of the group

Coaching Points:

  • angle, distance and timing of support
  • vision
  • body position – open to field
  • decision making
  • verbal and visual communication

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