Homework Planning & Organizational Tips for Students & Athletes

Helping our students and student athletes be successful in school is so important! In order to get them on the right track it’s best to start at a young age to teach them planning and organizational tips and it’s never to late to implement a plan!

The older our kids get the busier they get which means less and less free time to get homework and studying done.

Use these homework planning and organizational tips to keep your students on task!

Homework Planning & Organizational Tips for Students & Athletes


Establish a daily routine, as much as possible, repeat the same routine every single day. Create a separate weekend vs. weekday routine.

Find a Study Space

In order to prep a student for the best mental mindset, get a spot that is set up just for homework and studying. This triggers a signal to the brain of what is supposed to happen when in the same spot everyday, which leads to being mentally focused.

Use a To-Do List 

Daily, before starting any tasks, have your student write out a to-do list, or use their assignment notebook and add any additional home tasks that might need to be completed. It is best to physically write these on on paper, so that each task can get crossed off when completed. Crossing off each completed task is motivating and leads to a sense of accomplishment.

Do Difficult Subjects First

When working through your to-do list, start with your most difficult subjects or tasks first. These tasks won’t seem as difficult when you are feeling fresh and have more energy.

Use a Timer

When scheduling your student’s routine, put in blocks of time to accomplish tasks. For example, if you schedule a 45 minute block of time for homework, set a timer for 45 minutes.

Reward Yourself for Completed Tasks

When time is up for a scheduled block of work time,  re-set the timer for a 15 minute break. Have your student take breaks in the daily routine. This refreshes their minds and their bodies. Then they have energy to start the next task at hand.

Use Travel Time to Study

Lots of kids have after school activities they must attend, whether it be sports, church activities or academic commitments. Often times these activities are not close to home. Us the travel time to study..it might just mean grabbing some flash cards to quiz themselves or asking a sibling to test them on their spelling words.  Of course, this will vary by age, but even a 20 minutes car ride can be put to good use.

Prep the Night Before

In order to avoid the morning rush or to make sure that nothing is forgotten for the day (i.e. homework, projects, supplies, lunches, etc). Prep the night before for the next day. Have your child pack their backpack, make their lunch and stick it in the fridge, get practice clothes in a practice bag and leave everything close to the door they leave for school. This will result in a smooth and easy morning.

SLEEP, Make it a Priority

As close as possible, stick to the same bedtime and wake time daily.  Make sleep a priority! Without a good number of hours of daily sleep, the rest of our day will be lacking 100% effort due to being tired.

Now for some BACK TO SCHOOL FUN …

Back to School Giveaway - $500 PayPal Cash

$500 PayPal Cash Giveaway

If you’ve got kids, either they’ve already gone back to school or they will be going back any day now. Considering all the school supplies, new clothes, shoes, and activity fees, we bet you could use $500 IN CASH right about now. Well, we pulled together a group of 10 bloggers for an AMAZING GIVEAWAY to help you out not only with the CASH, but also with a whole bunch of back to school resources on everything from school lunches, printables, quick weeknight meals, fun back to school projects and even some much needed parenting inspiration. So, go ahead and take a little blog tour checking out all our creative, clever and useful ideas for back to school and gain entries to WIN along the way! We’re all looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you into our online communities.

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Krystal’s Kitsch

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Be Sure To Stop By the Blogs Often This Week For New Posts About Back To School And To Collect As Many Entries As Possible So You Increase Your Chances Of Winning!!!!