Knock Out # 1

Knock Out # 1

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Basic Information

Age Group: (5-7yrs) (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult)
Number of Players: 8+
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Time: 5-15 min.
Emphasis: Dribbling, Ball Control

Field Preparation:

  • each player with a ball
  • grid (15yds by 20yds)
  • cones to mark off area


  • players dribble inside the playing area
  • taggers carry the ball with their hands and attempt to knock everybody’s ball out of the grid
  • if a player’s ball gets kicked out, he stays out of the game and dribbles around the grid until the round is over
  • switch taggers after each round
  • fastest group of taggers wins


  • specify how players must dribble (inside or outside of foot, sole, left or right foot only etc.)
  • vary number of taggers
  • players who are out of the game practice juggling
  • taggers must try to throw their ball and hit the other player’s ball- adjust spacing depending on the age and ability of the group

Coaching Points:

  • agility and balance
  • deception
  • setting up defender
  • change of speed & direction
  • protecting the ball

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