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Basic Information
Age Group: (5-7yrs)
Number of Players: 4+
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 5-10 min.
Emphasis: Dribbling, Passing
Field Preparation:
- each player with a ball
- grid (15yds x 20yds)
- good supply of cones
- coach moves around the playing area and players try to kick their balls against the coach
- coach calls out “Ouchee” each time he gets hit by a ball
- start the game by having the kids throw the ball at you below the waist line as a warm up
- each time the coach is hit the player receives disc cone as an incentive
- players receive a disc cone if they pass the ball through the coach’s legs
- each time the coach is hit the player receives disc cone as an incentive
Coaching Points:
- accuracy
- weight of pass
- vision
- constant movement
- change of direction and speed
- close control