Soccer Partner Passing Up and Down Training Drill

Partner Passing Up and Down

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Basic Information

Age Group: (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult)
Number of Players: 2+
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 5 min.
Emphasis: Passing

Field Preparation:

  • in pairs
  • each pair with a ball


  • one players (red) is going forward and his partner (white) is going backwards as shown
  • player (red) makes a pass to his partner (white) who traps the ball with his sole
  • switch roles each time players get to a touchline


  • specify how players must pass (left or right foot, high or low pass, hands etc.)
  • specify how players must receive (chest, head, thigh, left or right foot, laces, inside foot etc.)

Coaching Points:

  • body mechanics
  • balance
  • weight of pass
  • accuracy
  • develop a rhythm

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