Soccer Short Passing # 2 Training Drill

Short Passing # 2

These soccer pass and move drills are meant to improve quick short passing accuracy, timing and reinforce the concept of moving after the pass.

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Basic Information

Age Group: (5-7yrs) (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs)
Number of Players: 3+
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Time: 5-15 min.
Emphasis: Passing

Field Preparation:

  • each station with two balls
  • players by blue cones with the ball
  • cones to mark off area
  • repeat setup for entire team


  • players in between red line of cones move back and forth to receive the ball and pass to players who stand
  • behind blue line of cones
  • middle player to complete most passes within 60 seconds wins
  • switch roles often


  • one-touch passing
  • adjust spacing depending on the age and ability of the group

Coaching Points:

  • body mechanics
  • balance
  • weight of pass
  • accuracy
  • first touch
  • go faster gradually
  • make eye contact

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