Soccer 1v1 Finishing Drill # 2 Training Drill

1v1 Finishing Drill # 2

Good soccer drills for finishing should improve goal scoring, focus on staying in control of the ball and finishing with a good shot on goal.

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Basic Information

Age Group: (5-7yrs) (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs)
Number of Players: 7+
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 5-15 min.
Emphasis: finishing, passing

Field Preparation:

  • in pairs
  • 1 goal with goalie
  • cones
  • good supply of balls for continuous play


  • players stand (20 yds away from goal) both facing towards the goal
  • blue players have a ball and pass the ball between the red players’
  • legs for them to run on to and take a shot on goal
  • the red players follows the blue player to put pressure on him
  • go through each pair and then reverse roles


  • both players start facing each other
  • the player with the ball throws it over his partner’s head
  • limit number of touches
  • adjust spacing depending on the age and ability of the group

Coaching Points:

  • body mechanics and control of body
  • body position and balance
  • eye on ball
  • quality of preparation touch
  • contact surface
  • aggressive and positive mentality
  • vision and anticipation
  • placement versus power
  • positioning to gain an advantage

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