3v3 Breakaway
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Basic Information
Age Group: (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult)
Number of Players: 6+
Difficulty: Medium-Hard
Time: 10-15 min.
Emphasis: Dribbling, finishing, Attacking, Defending
Field Preparation:
- 3 teams
- cones to mark off area
- pinnies
- teams play 3v3 in designated area
- defending team scores by passing it to a teammate inside end zone (receiving player has to time his
- run into zone – he cannot wait for the ball inside the zone)
- attacking player who dribbles across defender’s end line into the box can only be followed by one
- defender (or after attacker’s first touch inside box)
- if the ball goes out of bounce it is dribbled back in
- switch roles after 5-10 minutes
- play 4v3, 5v4 etc.
- attacking player inside the box is free for a 1v1 with the goalie (no additional defender allowed inside the box)
- limit number of touches for attacker inside the box
- adjust size of field if necessary
Coaching Points:
- set up defender
- change of speed & direction
- protect the ball
- vision
- close control
- supporting angle and distance to ball
- create space for others
- quality of preparation touch
- aggressive and positive mentality
- vision and anticipation
- placement versus power
- quick finish
- angle and distance of cover
- change role of pressure and cover
- visual and verbal communication
- control and restraint
- delay and channel