Traffic Officer
When coaching youth soccer, drills should focus on keeping the children moving and having fun. Practice dribbling and passing with effective activities.
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Basic Information
Age Group:(5-7yrs) (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs)
Number of Players: 5+
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Time: 5 min.
Emphasis: Dribbling
Field Preparation:
- each player with a ball
- cones to mark off area
- coach (traffic officer) stands inside playing area and gives players verbal directions where to go
- specify how players must dribble (left or right foot, inside or outside foot etc.)
- coach gives only non verbal commands
- start game without balls (or with kids carrying the ball) as a warm up
Coaching Points:
- head up
- agility and balance
- contact surface of foot
- change of speed & direction
- vision
- close control
- soft touch