Soccer Triangle Knock Out Training Drill

Triangle Knock Out

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Basic Information

Age Group: (5-7yrs) (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult)
Number of Players: 8+
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Time: 10-15 min.
Emphasis: Dribbling

Field Preparation:

  • 2 teams
  • cones to mark off area
  • supply of balls


  • on coach’s command first player in each line enter the grid and try to knock out somebody’s ball
  • once a ball is knocked out, the player retrieves it and the next hunter enters the grid to repeat the sequence
  • first team to have each player score a point wins


  • hunters must dribble the ball and tag a player to score a point
  • hunter enters the grid without a ball and must try to win the ball from an opponent to score a point (then next player repeats sequence)
  • adjust spacing depending on the age and ability of the group if necessary

Coaching Points:

  • change of speed & direction
  • close control
  • protect ball
  • vision
  • deception
  • set up defender

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