Finishing Target
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Basic Information
Age Group: (5-7yrs) (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult)
Number of Players: 8+
Difficulty: Medium
Time: 15-20 min.
Emphasis: Finishing, Passing, Dribbling
Field Preparation:
- 2 teams
- grid (25yds x 40yds)
- cones to mark off area
- good supply of balls for continuous play
- pinnies
- teams score a point by dribbling across the opponent’s end line
- another point is awarded if they knock down one of the cones with the first touch after they dribble across the end line
- the cone which is knocked down is then added to the ones of the scoring team
- the player who dribbles across endline cannot be challenged
- use mini goals instead of cones as targets
- the cone which is knocked down stays down
- vary number and position of cones
- adjust size of grid depending on the age and ability of the group
Coaching Points:
- weight of pass
- accuracy
- disguise
- vision
- first touch
- communication
- quick decision making
- accuracy over power
- eye on ball
- quality of preparation touch
- contact surface
- aggressive and positive mentality
- vision and anticipation
- positioning to gain an advantage