Short Passing # 6
Learn effective U8 soccer drills you can start using with your team. This is one of many u8 soccer passing drills that you can use to help your team.
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Basic Information
Age Group: (5-7yrs)(8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult)
Number of Players: 2+
Difficulty: Easy-Medium
Time: 5-10 min.
Emphasis: Passing
Field Preparation:
- in pairs
- each pair with a ball
- cones to mark off area
- repeat setup to accommodate entire team
- one player runs between the cones back and forth to receive his partner’s pass which he then returns to him
- switch roles every 1-2 minutes
- player to complete most passes within 90 seconds wins
- one-touch passing for running player
- adjust spacing depending on the age and ability of the group
Coaching Points:
- accuracy over power
- first touch
- make eye contact
- go faster gradually