If you are a parent with multiple kids, and one or more of them are in some type of sport, then you have probably had the almost impossible task of keeping someone “happy” during a game or practice. We have come up with some activities to pass the time that we hope you and your kids will like!
This will be a three part series for different age groups and today we are focusing on 1-3 years old.
Here are 11 creative activities for kids at sports events:
- Balloons: Kids love balloons! They are super easy to keep in your purse and you can blow one up and let them play next to you. This activity is best for an outdoor event that you are in grass, like a soccer game or baseball practice. Just make sure you have a few extras!
- Grab-n-Go Art Supplies: A small coloring book and a few crayons are all you need. Most kids love to create and this will keep them still and quite for at least a few minutes. If all else fails, pull out a pin and an old receipt! 😉
- Sidewalk Chalk: You don’t need a whole box of chalk, but a piece or two can give you a few minutes to actually watch your other child on the field! This activity is really only good if you are outside around concrete but can be a great way to pass the time with a toddler.
- Velcro and pompoms: Velcro and pompoms will take a little thinking ahead, but this is an activity that can be repeated! Get colorful pompoms and a few pieces of Velcro and let your kids have fun sticking and un-sticking the poms.
- Animal Doctor Kit: A small stuffed animal and toy stethoscope are perfect for when you need your child sitting in a stand right next to you. They can (hopefully) play doctor quietly while you watch the game!
- Mirrors: This is great for really small kids. Just grab a compact out of your purse and let them make faces.
- Macaroni on a String: It’s pretty obvious how you make this and might seem a little odd, but kids like playing with shapes. If your child can count, this could become a learning activity as well as keep them occupied! Just call out numbers to them and have them separate out the pieces of macaroni. Because it’s on a string, they won’t be constantly dropping them.
- Toilet paper roll, cup and pompoms: Have these items on hand for repetitive play. You hold the toilet paper or paper towel roll over the cup and let your child drop the pompoms down the tube. The cup is just there to catch!
- Metal Baking Pan and Magnets: If your child is learning their alphabet, use magnetic letters to encourage learning. You can find these at most teacher supply stores or toy stores.
- Some of the best activities for young kids are things that they can REPEAT (and boxes 😉 ), so any type of small toy that does something over and over would be good to take with you.
- If all else fails and they are old enough to play on your phone, HERE are some apps that are good for toddlers.
Do you have any other great ideas for this age group?!?
For more ideas, check out these age groups: {4-6 yrs. old} & {7-12 years old}