Because we live in Indianapolis, we couldn’t let the month of May go by without including a post about the Indy 500! It’s a big month-long celebration here, we’re talking black and white checkered flags every.where!
The kids love celebrating too. There are classrooms in every school doing some related activity to the Indy 500!
Let’s not forget the celebrations all over town! Of course, no Indy 500 party of celebration would be complete without theme related food!
We are sharing a few of our favorites with you. Some of these ideas can be created in a matter of minutes and others will take a bit more time. Find something that works best for you!
Creative Indy 500 Food Ideas
Race Cars, Family Fun
Spare Tires, Kara’s Party Ideas
Checkered Flag Cake, Megan’s Cookin
Oil Change Cups, Catch My Party
Dip Sticks, Mad in Crafts
Left in the Dust Cotton Candy, Kara’s Party Ideas
Are you celebrating the Indy 500 this year? We’d love for you to share the special things you are doing at your party…just leave us a comment below!