Many are asking about the oh-so-involved M word: “How do I improve my Metabolism?” Well, to that I say, it really depends on who you ask, but I wanted to share what has worked and is working for me. It takes lots of time, consistency and patience and is purely scientific by nature.
I’m 40 years old, a mother of four kiddos ages 11 and under, and busy like you. I’ve been passionate about fitness and wellness for many years, but there were seasons in my life where I let my wellness slip to the wayside.
In the years between these two pictures, I spent time learning myself and changed my routine daily processes {also known as my habits!}. One of the first steps to improving your metabolism is to change your body composition. One with higher levels of body fat will by scientific nature have a slower metabolism. So if you want to improve that, you have to add more muscle to your frame.
So how to? Contrary to popular belief, fat cannot become muscle and muscle cannot become fat. You have to lose one and gain the other, as their cells are completely separate. One can also not “tone up”, as often heard. Muscles don’t tone up, you either build muscle or you don’t. What people really mean when they say that is they want a lowering of body fat and in that process their bodies look tighter and more toned.
Reconsider Cardio
In 2010 as pictured above, I was only doing cardio. If you’re just getting started on your wellness, this may be a perfect starting spot for you to get you moving in an activity you enjoy. If you’ve been at this for a time and cardio is all you do and it involves long duration sessions like lengthy group exercise classes or long distance runs, you might want to consider otherwise.
Dr. Jacob Wilson notes that “Long duration cardio is like dieting, where you are creating a caloric deficit and it will slow your metabolism. The why: that long duration cardio decreases muscle mass, meaning the longer your cardio is, and the more frequently you do it, the smaller your muscles will actually be. It’s a catabolic stimulus and muscle will be broken down.”
In order to combat a slowed metabolism, you’ll want to do less long duration cardio {also known as steady state} and do more strength training to build the muscle. First factor in resistance training as your main staple and then add some varieties of cardio intervals, HIITs {High-Intensity Interval Training}, and shorter steady-state cardio sessions, like a 15-minute, hands-free incline walk on the treadmill {my favorite!}
I got out of the multiple weekly cardio classes and added in strength training. If you’re a beginner, or as you become more comfortable with working out, add in resistance training at least three times a week. You can begin in a Group Exercise strength format or even learn the ropes in the Free Weights at your gym. Find a training partner or invest in yourself and learn form and how-to from a Personal Trainer.
Many people will find great benefit from doing Circuit Training, where they work the entire body in each workout session. If you’re interested in taking it up a notch, consider doing body-part splits where you give each lifting day a set body part or parts to work and rest the others that you have just worked the day before. In time, and I do mean it takes T.I.M.E., you will see changes in your physique because you have added more muscle and in turn raised your resting metabolic rate by having more muscle content on your frame. Restated, you burn more calories while at rest! {and don’t we all love that!}
Reconsider Food Intake
A second way to improve your metabolism is to be fully aware of your diet. Eating enough calories with a balance of whole-food carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fiber daily will help you build or salvage muscle on your frame and in turn burn fat. Many times people come to me for help and we discover they tend to under eat and over cardio and they don’t realize that combo is actually sending them backwards.
If you’re consistently eating too little, you lower your metabolic rate and your body is purely becoming inefficient at digesting and using food to your benefit. To know where you stand with your stats in mind, you can use an online calculator like the one at to help you determine your necessary daily caloric amounts to reach your goals. From there, tracking what you eat over time is key to changing your metabolism.
Reconsider Sleep & Water
Third and often times the most important, yet most misunderstood, are sleep and water. If you can do nothing else, you can start by aiming to improve your sleep habits and hydration levels. There are many key hormones released during the sleep cycle that benefit your fat burning abilities and metabolic rate. Additionally, aim to drink .5 to 1 ounce of water for every pound of your body weight throughout your day to flush your system and stay hydrated for ultimate health and well-being.
I show my personal four-year transformation picture above to really drive home the point that this is a slow process, but the paybacks are tremendous. While you can’t see the changes on a daily basis, have hope that your cumulative efforts over time will move you in the correct direction and make an impact on your metabolism, physique, and well-being for years to come.
As I always say, “Lift like a girl…..and Just.keep.going!”