This animated series of drills is intended for rookie coaches, mid school and high school coaches and tennis camp instructors.

Is Your Child Riding the Bench Here's How to Parent Through It

When children are very young, they may enjoy a Shangri-La sports experience – no one is cut from the team, equal playing time is enforced, and everyone receives a participation medal. Are those idyllic days now behind you? It’s OK that they are. Sometimes riding the bench can be a good thing. Here’s how to …

Proper tennis footwork training entails performing drills and exercises intended to increase a player’s foot speed.

If you’re looking to learn new and innovative tennis drills, practice routines, games, videos, tactics, techniques and tips than this is the channel for you.

Football Concussions: Risks, Signs and Treatment

Although children have a chance of becoming injured no matter what sport they play, it is high contact sports, like football, that carry the biggest risks. One of the more dangerous injuries parents need to be aware of and watch out for are football concussions. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines a …

Any athlete striving for improvement needs to train his hand-eye coordination as much as he trains his body.

Long Term Risks Associated with Football Concussions

  If your teen has a love of football, he may be interested in continuing his career by first heading to play college ball and then trying out for the NFL. Since football is a high contact sports, players are more susceptible to injuries, like football concussions. These can have serious long term affects. It …

Effective tennis drills are aimed at kids and juniors learning how to play tennis. Kids can benefit from specific fun drills designed to teach them the fundamentals of this great sport helping kids solidify their tennis basics.

DIY Tennis Racket Cork Board

I’ve been noticing a lot of DIY decorating ideas circulating around Pinterest and thought I’d give one a try. The project that really caught my eye was upcycling old tennis rackets into mirrors. The problem with that was I had no desire to go and have glass cut to fit an old tennis racket. Instead, …

Down-the-line drills is a type of tennis forehand drill that is not only used in the forehand stroke, but it is also used in the backhand approach followed by a volley.

Tennis Consistency and accuracy Rally Drills. Players maintain high net clearance to achieve consistency.

Many hands make light work, which is why you’ll need to recruit volunteers for your next fundraiser. Although it sounds simple enough, it can be difficult to round up enough people to have the fundraiser run like a well-oiled machine. Below are a few suggestions for how to recruit the volunteers you need to raise …

Dribbling Warm Up # 8 Print/Download This Drill Basic Information Age Group: (5-7yrs) (8-11yrs) (12-15yrs) (16-Adult) Number of Players: 5+ Difficulty: Easy Time: 5-10 min. Emphasis: Dribbling Field Preparation: each player with a ball grid (20yds x 30yds) cones to mark off area Description: different types of dribbling speed dribbling (slow, medium, fast etc.) take …

The groundwork of proper tennis footwork is keeping it very simplistic during drills that focus exactly on that.

DIY Soccer Camp Using Pool Noodles

The most versatile thing you can find in the dollar store is a pool noodle. No, really. There are countless clever ideas on how to use them floating around the internet and your family needs to get in on all the fun. We all know that summer vacation for the kids often comes with heavy, audible …

A tennis group drill can be practiced in either large or small groups.

If you have a teen athlete, chances are he or she comes home with some nasty stains on his or her uniform the first day of practice. It only takes one slide into home plate or one tackle on the 20-yard line to keep the team outfit from looking like new. Fortunately, parents can take …

Sports Exhaustion

Moms!  It is time to evaluate.  Is your athlete enjoying their sport? Are they setting goals or looking forward to earning that end-of-the-year trophy?  If you are having to even stop and think, it may mean your son or daughter is on the brink of  sports exhaustion.  No worries.  We all get tired.  Everyone needs …

Preventing Sports Injuries

Kids are just as prone to sports injuries as adults. The only difference is that children tend to heal faster. Once an injury occurs, however, the child athlete must sit on the sidelines for the time frame determined by his or her doctor, and that is no fun at all. It is best to follow …

4 Players Diagonal Feeding Tennis Balls With Skill and Accuracy Makes A Good Drill Which Makes Feeding One of the key skills of every successful coach.

Most players on the intermediate level exclusively practice hitting ground strokes off the baseline. The above drill makes players hit balls from various spots on the court and concentrates on the important footwork needed for each move.

Baseline testing for kids, concussion prevention

I was at a team mom meeting for our baseball league last year. All the basics were covered, like team pictures, uniforms, schedule, etc. Great, I was ready to wind up the meeting when a doctor from our local hospital began to hand out some materials about concussions and started a short program on concussion …

We are offering free quality tennis lesson instruction from trained coaches for all ages and skill levels

Tennis drills and games are specifically for youngsters and junior players helping them improve in tennis in an enjoyable and natural way.

Lots of legendary professional tennis players started to learn tennis at a very young age even at 4-5 yrs old, so the earlier a kid can begin to swing a racket and form a passion for the game the better!