When we are on the go constantly – from work, to school pickups, to soccer/hockey/gymnastics/tennis, and more – it is easy to grab high-carb, low-nutrient snacks from the pantry or the gas station.

These quick access snack foods are typically high in refined carbs and sugar; what does this mean for you and your family? It means you’ll be hungry again in no time at all and you’ll also experience a crash as your body quickly uses up the little energy it was given.

The key to making it through the hustle and bustle of a busy week is preparing high protein, nutrient dense, and fiber-rich snacks at the beginning of the week.

Don’t worry! It may sound like a big time commitment, we promise it’s not. We have broken it down into two parts – healthy snacks from the store and quick snacks made at home.

Storage Containers That Are Convenient & Easy to Slip into a Backpack!

Keep things neat and save storage room by setting yourself up for success with containers that have separated compartments such as these options found online and in stores:

You Can Make These Snack Kits With Ease!

Get long-lasting energy from these healthy high protein snacks.

High-Protein, Low-Carb Snack Kit

These kits are designed to fuel developing muscles (and brains) while keeping refined sugars and other low-nutrition carbs to a minimum. Try putting these kits together! Don’t have these exact brands? No problem – you’ll find similar options at every grocery store in North America.

Ocean's Tuna Snack Kit

What’s in the Kit?

Hardboiled Eggs: 1 large egg is 78 cal / 6g protein

Babybel Cheese: 60 cal / 4.6g protein

Oceans Light Tuna Snack Kit: 190 cal / 20g protein / 2g sugar / 16g carbs / 4% daily fiber

Liberte Greek Yogurt Coconut Crunch: 210 cal / 11g protein / 16g sugar /23g carbs / 8% daily fiber

Liberte Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt packs way more punch in the energy department than typical yogurts with more protein and less sugar. Add in some crunchy granola and nuts and you are set.

Pepperoni Bites & Hard Boiled Egg

Pepperoni bites or full pepperoni sticks paired with cheese or a hardboiled egg will lead to long-lasting satiation.

Healthy Nut Protein Bars

Typical granola bars are high in sugar and low in protein. Skip those and grab ones packed with nuts and whole grains!

  • Kashi Joi Cranberry Coconut Almond: 210 cal / 6g protein / 6g sugar / 18g carbs / 12% daily fiber
  • Oatmega Chocolate Coconut: 200 cal / 14g protein / 5g sugar / 22g carbs / 28% daily fiber
  • KIND Almond Mint & Dark Chocolate: 200 cal / 5g protein / 5g sugar / 17g carbs / 28% daily fiber
  • CLIF Fruit Smoothie Filled Wild Blueberry Acai: 230 cal / 5g protein / 11g sugar / 29g carbs / 8% daily fiber

Healthy Grab & Go High-Protein Snacks from Home

Wednesday-you will be thanking Sunday-you for taking 5 minutes to prepare these healthy snacks. From no prep to low prep, find some inspiration below for tasty low carb snacks that are high in protein.

4-Ingredient Protein Balls


  • 2/3 all natural peanut butter
  • 1 cup steel cut oat blend
  • ½ cup ground flax seeds
  • 2 tbsp honey

Peanut Butter Protein Power Balls

Step 1: Combine Ingredients

Mix together all 4 ingredients in one bowl until combined.

Making Peanut Butter Protein Power Balls

Step 2: Chill for 20 minutes or eat right away!

That’s it! These delicious high-protein energy bites are quick to make and store for up to 1 week in a covered container.

Nutritional Information: Per 1 ball
Calories 155
Protein (g) 7
Carbs (g) 13
Sugar (g) 3
Fibre (%) 19

Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruit

Mixed Nuts & Dried Fruit

We highly recommend checking out the bulk bin of your local grocery or health food store; look for unsalted nut mixes. You’ll save money buying bulk and you’ll save appetites during the hustle and bustle of the busy week ahead.

Be careful with how many nuts you serve, in just ½ a cup of the above nut mix there is 450 calories / 20g protein / 3g sugar / 16g carbs / 27% daily fiber. Nuts are the ultimate energy boosting, long lasting pick-me-up snack.

Hummus & Fresh Vegetables

Hummus & Mixed Vegetables

Wash and slice your veggies (carrots/bell peppers/celery/cherry tomatoes etc) the moment you unpack your groceries. Having these veggies ready and waiting in your produce drawer means easy access for the family and less spoilage. This, paired with convenient snack containers, means you are ready – set – good to go to soccer practice!

Pair your delicious veggies with hummus and you have a low carb snack with a healthy protein source. Just 2 tbsp of hummus has 3g of protein and 8% daily fiber. There are SO many varieties out there that you and the family will never get bored.

Greek Yogurt + Granola

Greek Yogurt & Granola

We’re back to greek yogurt and granola; this healthy snack is a filling and delicious way to recharge the energy bank with protein.

A ¾ cup serving of Greek yogurt has 140 calories and 15g protein! The granola you see here contains oats, honey, spelled flour, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and pumpkin seeds. It’s delicious and loaded with iron, protein, and fiber.